We are so thankful to have this incredible opportunity of sharing the Lord with people around the world. Our ministry is committed to bring the Word of God to as many as we can.
The Light of Hope is an international ministry with a focus on the Russian-speaking from the former Soviet Union. People under Communist rule were kept away from the Lord for many years. Any type of religious activities, preaching, Bibles, and churches were forbidden and punished by imprisonment.
Today we have the opportunity to reach the people of these former Soviet Union countries and bring them the wonderful, inspiring message of the Gospels. We want to give each one of them a chance to experience the unconditional love and unending hope that comes from living with the Lord.
Who we are

Meet Our Speaker
Peter Kulakov is a Television Evangelist, founding director of the first Christian Media Center in the former Soviet Union, Pastor of the Lakeview Seventh-day Adventist church, and overseas missionary. He was born in Kokand, Uzbekistan and raised in central Russia.
In 1990, at the age of 26, Kulakov was the first Christian to appear live regularly on two national communist radio networks, blanketing 11 time zones with 900 FM stations. Moscow State University research showed the Voice of Hope radio program as the most popular among all the other religious broadcasts.
In 2005 Peter Kulakov founded the Light of Hope International Television Ministry to reach out to Russian-speaking people from countries of the former Soviet Union.