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Searching for Hope | Shillong, India

This year the Light of Hope had its first-ever meetings outside of Europe and Central Asia. The invitation came from the city of Shillong which is in the North Eastern corner of India, close to the border with China. These meetings were for a special occasion as the people there were preparing to dedicate a new church building.

Those living in this region are faced with great economical challenges. Their circumstances push them to search for the possibility of a better life. Hundreds came to attend the first week of the meetings which were held outdoors in a bamboo “panda.” For the second week the meetings moved to the beautiful, newly constructed church building. However, not everyone was able to get a seat on the main level or balcony. On weekends close to a thousand attendees sat in the unfinished basement of the church to watch the sermons on a TV screen.

Every night the local youth provided beautiful music. For the first few nights they were joined by Steve Darmody who shared his musical talent with those in attendance. It was a joy to witness baptisms both Sabbaths of the meetings and to greet dozens of those who made the decision to start Bible studies with their local pastors in preparation for future baptisms.

Currently Christians make up only 2.4% of the country’s 1.3 billion people. This is definitely a place where challenges are plentiful and the Light of Hope is inviting you to pray for our new brothers and sisters in India.

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