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The Warmth of the Gospel in Freezing Temperatures

Pastor Peter has been invited to come to the city of Krasnoyarsk to present a series of meetings. He will be traveling to this distant Siberian city in December. Peter will leave the US on December 3 and only reach Krasnoyarsk on December 5.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Krasnoyarsk is currently living under the restrictions of the new Russian religious liberty legislation. However, pastors and church members are not giving up on evangelism. On Saturday, November 2nd they started a 40 day prayer marathon. Church members are praying for the people they are inviting to the Bible seminar.

It is not an easy task to bring people for such events. The church cannot use radio, newspapers, or television to promote the meetings. They cannot advertise in public places and cannot distribute any promotional materials. All of that is considered religious propaganda which is banned by the “anti-terrorist” legislature. Instead they are committed to meeting new people, making friends, praying for them, and inviting them to come hear the Word of God.

December is not the warmest month of the year in Krasnoyarsk. The average temperatures will be around -30F. However, the pastors in Krasnoyarsk believe that this will not be an obstacle. They believe that visitors will come and the word of the gospel will be preached.

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